Vienna Figure Show
Museum of Military History Wien 2014

A Weekend at the Vienna Figures Show
By Roland Schaffrin Figurenkobold (figuresgoblin) photos and words and Sonny Philips webpage and layout.

Exhibition and presenting of figures and dioramas workshops, table top games, 3 D printer, persons in historical Uniforms, figure competition, painting-lessons, fleamarket and much more.

Here it is not possible to show all the fine works that the artists and figures friends displayed in this wonderful event.

The Figure Goblin says a big Thank You to Mr. Togel and all of his enthusiasm helpers.
Also a big Thank You for the friendly and patience staff of the museum.
And a big Thank You to all figure friends doing their best for 2 wonderful days in this historical location.

Now let take me you by the hand, and do a fine museums walk beginning at the Hall of Fame, and other grandios rooms of the oldest Museum of Wien, the star in this show.