Prince Valiant

Elastolin Figures I
Figures & Text by
Jan - Michael Mau

Fighting Valiant Hausser cat. no. 8803 1 A figure with rare golden buckles, blue violet chain mail and painted with the dark silver shield.
Fighting Valiant from back with unbroken spurs and the nice looking ivory colored belt.
For numbers 3 and 4 some fighting Valiants from left to right cat. nos. 8803 1B figures with different tunic colors on pearl bases, the last two are 2nd paint versions on yellow green bases.


Sir Gawain, standing, Hausser cat. no. 8802 in rare 1st version 1A figure with silver- blue chain mail and orient- red belt.
Sir Gawain, standing, Hausser cat. no 8802 from back.
4 x Sir Gawain, standing, Hausser cat. nos. 8802, left three in rare blue-silver chain mail, the figure at right has a black-silver chain mail what is not noted in any Hausser figures book or catalogue.

4 x Sir Gawain from another view, regard different colors on hairs,scabbards and shields outer frames.

Fighting Arne von Ord, Hausser cat. no. 8804, 1A figure with dark silver armor and dark silver shield frames.
Fighting Arne von Ord, Hausser cat. no. 8804, 1A figure from back.

Some fighting Valiants from left to right cat. nos. 8803 1B figures with different tunic colors on pearl bases, the last two are 2nd paint versions on yellow green bases.
Prince Valiant standing, Hausser cat. nos. 8801, left two are 1B versions on pearl bases, long neck and sword as triangle pointing to the base and cape is holding by one buttom , Valiant at right is a 2nd Version and 1st paint figure short neck two buttons holding the cape, smaller sword showing to right knee.

Prince Valiant standing, Hausser cat. nos. 8801 at left Valiant 2nd version and 1st paint on pearl base, the two Valiants in middle and at right are 2nd versions and second paint on gree- yellow bases, regard different painted tunics and belts/daggers

Prince Valiant standing, Hausser cat. nos. 8801 1 B figures, regard different colors in blue tunics, belts, shoes and daggers.

Prince Valiant standing, Hausser cat. nos. 8801 1 B figures with different blue-lilac tunics. They stand on a small diorama from Roland Schaffrin, the Figurenkobold ( Figures Goblin ).

-Click Here- to visit the Figure Goblin.

Fighting Valiant Hausser cat. no. 8803 1 A figure with rare golden buckles. He stands a small diorama from Roland Schaffrin, the Figurenkobold ( Figures Goblin ).

Fighting Arne von Ord Hausser cat. no. 88043 1 B figure. He stands a small diorama from Roland Schaffrin, the Figurenkobold ( Figures Goblin ).

Aleta, fighting Valiant, Arne von Ord and Sir Gawain , all 1st versions standing on a small diorama from Roland Schaffrin, the Figurenkobold ( Figures Goblin )

-Click Here- to visit the Figure Goblin.

Aleta, court maiden, Hausser cat. no. 8810 in rare colors.