Even though I'm giving instructions for
only two projects, there are tons of uses for this mold. Some
of these include:
- Floors
- Steps
- Doors
- Tables
- Benches
- Crates
- Drawbridge
- Shelves
- Fence
- Latrine
- Dock
- Beds
- Raft
- Portcullis
- Scaffolding
- Treehouse
- Trap Door
- Coffin
- Mine Supports
- Weapons Rack
- Castle Catwalk
- Suspension Bridge
- Roof Support Beams
- Well Frame and Roof
Special Casting
Instructions I strongly suggest using harder
material than regular plaster, such as hydrocal, hydrostone or
dental plaster when casting blocks in this mold! For these
examples, I'm using Die-Keen dental plaster (the ivory colored
I've listed a place you can buy Die-Keen from, as well as complete
casting instructions on the Casting Using Dental
Plaster page. Regular plaster of paris is too weak and your pieces
will break when you try to remove them from the mold.
You will get the best results from using the wet water
method found on the "Advanced Casting Instructions" page. For some
reason, the texture of the wood planks just doesn't want to release the
air bubbles on the surface otherwise.
1. |
If you have any problems using the wet
water method, you can also use the brushed method shown
You will need a small, stiff-bristled brush to paint
inside the mold. I suggest using an acid brush, you can find
them at your local hardware store for 39 cents each. They're used to
spread solder paste or flux onto solder joints.
Since this brush is too big, use a pair of scissors to trim it
down a bunch. |
2. |
Fill each pocket of the mold half way.
Dip your brush into some water and then use it to paint
around the inside of each piece. Paint in the direction that the
planks are going, and go up and down each plank twice.
Fill the mold the rest of the way with dental plaster. Be
sure to wash out the brush immediately after you're finished.
3. |
Here's the difference between using a brush and not. Can you
tell which one was cast without the brush?
Surprisingly, once you paint the pieces the defects don't show up
as much. If you do have pieces with defects, they work well for
distressed or worm-eaten wood. |
1. |
I suggest that you paint the pieces before you assemble them
into a project. Painting them after the fact is more difficult,
because it's harder to use the paint as a stain and wipe away the
Mix up some brown paint with a touch of black in it (I use
acrylic art paint from a tube). Add water to make it as thin as
milk. Mix it up well! |
2. |
Test out your paint on an extra plank first!
Paint the plank using a soft bristled brush making sure you get in
all the cracks.
You'll need a soft cloth to wipe away the paint. I'm using a
cotton rag from an old t-shirt I cut up. Gently wipe off the
excess paint. The bottom photo shows the finished plank. Be sure
to save the paint mixture for touch-up later on.
If the plank is too dark, add more water to the paint. If
the color is too light, add more paint.
Building projects with pre-painted pieces is much easier. If you
have to break or sand pieces, touch them up with the paint mixture
afterwards. |
Building a Milk
Carton Cottage
You will need to cast the wooden plank mold 5 times to make
this cottage.
1. |
Yeah, I know - it's not a milk carton, but you get the
idea. They sell tons of products in these paper cartons. You can
find them anywhere and they all measure the same size. That's why
they're perfect for a project like this.
First we need to remove the bottom of the carton. Hold the
carton down with one hand, lay a pencil on the table and draw around
the bottom. |
2. |
Use a hobby knife and ruler to cut off the bottom of the
Now measure up from the bottom 3" on each side. Measure up
in the middle 4 1/2" (be sure it's precisely the middle). Draw lines
to form the roof peak. Draw a peak on the opposite side of the
carton as well. |
3. |
Cut out the carton using a hobby knife and a ruler.
For the doors and windows, get a piece of graph paper and draw
a 1" wide x 2" tall rectangle for the door. Also draw a 1"
x 1" square for a window. I've placed a Games Workshop miniature
beside them so you can see the relative size of the door and
window. |
4. |
Use a pair of scissors to cut out the rectangle and square.
Place the door rectangle on the carton and draw around it. Do the
same for the windows (one window on each side).
Use a hobby knife to cut the openings on the carton. It helps if
the openings are slightly larger, so don't worry about making them
perfect. |
5. |
If you look on the inside of the carton, you'll see a
bump on the inside corners. This will get in the way of the floor
that fits on the inside. Take a hobby knife and cut the bump
away a little over 1/4" up from the bottom. |
6. |
Most cartons have a waxy coated outside. You can paint on it,
but the paint will scrape off. I suggest you spray paint the
outside white. Spray paint sticks much better.
When dry, paint the whole thing a cream or almond color. If you
intend to make a whole village, you might buy a can of almond
colored spray paint. |
7. |
This photo shows all of the pieces you will need to
make the cottage. You will need to cast the plank mold 5
For the cottage floor, we'll need to snap a group of planks in
half (upper right photo).
To make the door, take another group of planks and snap all of
the boards apart. We'll only be using four of the six planks for the
Paint all of the pieces at this point! Painting
instructions are shown above this article. |
8. |
Lay out these pieces for the floor. Cut a piece of cereal
box to glue the floor planks down to.
When the floor is dry, trim the excess cereal box away from the 3
flat sides. We'll take care of the overhanging boards next. |
10. |
Lay the floor across a sharp table edge and break the excess
off. Remove the broken planks and trim down the excess cereal box.
Now glue the floor into the house. Let it dry completely
before starting on the sides.
Using brown paint, paint the corners of the house. This will help
hide the gaps between the corner beams. |
11. |
Glue the planks shown onto the outside of the house. The ones
circled in red at the bottom will need to be scored and
broken to size. The ones circled at the top will need to
be sanded at an angle so the roof will fit.
The photo on the left shows the front with the doorway. The photo
on the right is the back of the house with the window. |
12. |
Here's the side of the house. Notice that the top horizontal
beam is placed slightly lower. This is so the angled roof won't
hit it.
The beams circled in red at the bottom need to be scored and
broken. The beams circled at the top need to be sanded at an
angle so the roof will fit correctly. |
13. |
I cut pieces of matt board to make the roof. The sizes
are shown on the photo.
I'm going to try something new to resemble a thatched roof. I
found some fake fur in the craft department. I was hoping to find a
gold color, but they only had white so I'll have to paint it. |
14. |
Cut two squares of fur a little larger than each side and glue
them on making sure the fur lays down the right way. Fur
tends to lay down one direction so be sure it flows away from the
roof peak.
Use a pair of scissors to trim off the excess. |
15. |
To paint the roof, I mixed up some yellow paint very thin and
added a touch of brown. Be sure to test your color on a scrap
The paint has to be really thin and you have to drench it on -
it's amazing how much paint the fur will soak up. Afterward, use a
paper towel to soak up the excess. |
16. |
Here's the finished cottage. The door is made out of the 4
broken strips from the floor glued together.
The wood beams can also be used for joists to support an upper
floor (or at least look like they're supporting it) for multi-level
I also thought about doing one half of this building and placing
it against a castle wall, or place half of this building up midway
on a castle wall with wood bracing under it.
You can make a simple building out of any small cardboard box and
just glue the wood strips on the side. |
Building a
You will need to cast the wooden plank mold 5 times to make
this model.
1. |
The photo on the left shows the pieces needed to make the
platform on which the gallows/guillotine will stand.
The photo on the right shows the pieces for the hangman's arm and
the guillotine. |
2. |
We need to cut four of the 3" planks in half to form the legs
for the gallows stand.
Measure up 1 1/2" on each side. Lay a ruler over the planks and
scrape across the backside with a hobby knife about 6 times. Then
simply snap the planks in half. |
3. |
You'll need to sand the corners of both stair stringers.
I made them this way so you could glue them together end-to-end for
longer stairways if needed.
Also, take one of the small pieces and cut them
apart. |
4. |
Go ahead and paint the pieces (painting instructions at
the top of this page).
Cut a piece of cereal box to glue the floor onto. |
5. |
Glue the sections down onto the cereal box as shown. I've
enhanced the photo with black lines so you can see the divisions.
Don't glue the small plank that I've set aside.
Flip the piece upside down and glue 3" planks around the
outside edges. These planks should touch the table surface. |
6. |
Take the large plank pieces that you cut in half earlier and
glue them back-to-back. These will form the legs of the
Place the two stair stringers on their back and glue three 1"
planks on for steps. The other two planks will be glued on
later. |
7. |
To suspend the platform up in the air while you glue on the
legs, place 2 building blocks under each end to raise the
platform up 1" from the table surface.
With the platform raised, glue on the legs and the stairs as
To finish the stand, add 2 angle braces on each side of the
platform (shown in red). |
8. |
Now for the hangman's arm. Glue all of the planks
back-to-back except for the three 1" pieces. Sand the ends of
these to make angle braces that support the arm (shown in the
red box). These pieces are shown on their side.
Place the arm in the slot on the stand, but don't glue it
down. Also glue the support beams as shown outlined in black,
but don't glue them to the stand either. This will let you
remove the hangman's arm so you can place the guillotine on the
platform instead. |
10. |
Here's the finished gallows. The hangman's arm can be
removed (and the hole filled with the spare plank) so you can set a
guillotine in its place.
Instructions for building the guillotine are shown below. It's
really very easy to make. |
11. |
Here are the pieces for the guillotine.
The two pieces shown with the red line (1 1/2" long) need to
be cut in half. Take two of these half pieces and carve a
hole where the person's head goes through (upper right photo).
Now sand the ends of the four 1" pieces to form angle braces to
support the guillotine (these pieces are shown on their
side). |
12. |
Glue the long beams and the top beam back-to-back and lay
them down.
Since we want the blade and neck holder in the center, place a
couple of strips of cereal box under them to raise them up
The guillotine blade is made from a piece of cereal box
painted silver.
The last step is to glue the angle bracing at the bottom to help
it stand up (see the finished photo a few frames up). The guillotine
is finished! |
http://www.hirstarts.com. All photos, articles and
plans are copyrighted by Bruce Hirst and may not be used without
permission. "Castlemolds(R)" is a trademark of Hirst Arts Fantasy
Architecture Inc. For more information contact bruce@hirstarts.com. Page last
updated 2/15/04 |