About Polymer Clays
medium I sculpt in is known as polymer clay. Polymer clay (also called
polyclay) is essentially tiny particles of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) suspended
in a petroleum distillate compound. Polymer claycan be baked in your home
oven, at which time the petroleum distillate evaporates and the PVC particles
fuse into a plastic-like compound. It's a terrific material used by many
sculptors and craftspeople nowadays. There are many different brands of
polymer clay, but the most commonly available is Sculpey, manufactured
by Polyform Products Company, Inc. This article was revised in October
of 2001.
left to right: bulk white Sculpey, Super Sculpey and Sculpey III
Note that there are
three different kinds of Sculpey. There is bulk white Sculpey, a white,
doughy polymer clay sold in two-pound boxes, and there is Super Sculpey,
a translucent pink, waxy polymer clay sold in 1-pound boxes. Super Sculpey
is twice as expensive as regular Sculpey, but it's pretty much twice as
easy to smooth and much less brittle once it's baked. Hereafter, if you
see me use the term "Sculpey" you should consider that to be Super Sculpey
unless otherwise noted. The other brand of polyclay I use is called Sculpey
III (sold in 3-ounce packages similar to Fimo). It's essentially Super
Sculpey that has been tinted.
Other polymer clays
include Promat (also by Polyform) and Fimo (manufactured by Eberhard Faber
GmbH, a German company), both sold in 3-ounce packages, but since I don't
use these products, I'll leave them to you to experiment with. I sculpt
with a mixture of Super Sculpey and Sculpey III--one 3 oz. package of
Sculpey III with one one-pound brick of Super Sculpey. I used to mix Fimo
with my Sculpey, and here's why I switched. The first problem I was having
with the Fimo/Super Sculpey mix was that when it came to smoothing it
out, it often "crumbed up" due to the stiffness of the Fimo. The Sculpey
III mixture smooths really well.
Anyone who has used
Super Sculpey knows that it does get steadily firmer when it's exposed
to air, i.e. after you've placed it on the armature and begun to sculpt.
For some reason, Super Sculpey is sold in non-airtight boxes, so check
yours for softness when you get it at the store. If you can't find soft
Super Sculpey, there is a method for making it softer. I find that if
my Super Sculpey/Sculpey III mixture is too firm when I start sculpting,
it can get really stiff and unmanageable as I continue to sculpt. I had
some problems with the baby raptor because of this. If you start with
a Sculpey mix that is a little on the soft side, you'll find that by the
time you get well into the sculpting process it will have firmed up to
a nice working consistency.
Sculpey III comes
in a variety of colors, and you can choose a color you like to work with.
I prefer a gray Sculpey blend, as it creates a nice neutral color when
blended with Sculpey. Since Polyform doesn't make gray Sculpey III any
more, I just combine a 3-ounce package of black Sculpey III with a 3-ounce
package of white Sculpey III and add this to a 1-pound box of Super Sculpey.
The main reason I use Sculpey III is that Sculpey in its normal state
is slightly translucent, which can cause problems when sculpting details.
Mixing it with the colored clay eliminates the translucence, and makes
sculpting easier.
from here on out, all references to Sculpey refer to Super Sculpey, and
not the bulk white stuff. I don't use the latter at all.
Purchasing Polymer
As noted above, Sculpey
does stiffen up when exposed to air for a period of time. The boxes it's
sold in are not airtight, so you should open the box and check its consistency
with your fingers before you buy it. Sculpey that has been sitting on
a shelf forever will be hard and stiff, whereas newer Sculpey will have
a soft, pliable consistency. Generally, the softer the Sculpey, the better
it will perform for you, so check your clay before you buy it. Also keep
in mind that your sculpture will be sitting out in the air for the duration
of time that you're working on it, so if the Sculpey is a little too soft
for your taste in the store, it'll stiffen up while you're sculpting with
it (unless you work a lot faster than me). Sculpey III is sold in airtight
packages, and is much more consistent in its softness.
Storing Polymer
Store your Sculpey
in an airtight container (a Ziplock bag works fine) in the refrigerator.
I take my Sculpey out of the box, wrap it with some cling wrap and then
put it into a Ziplock bag). Let the clay reach room temperature before
you condition it prior to sculpting. Don't store Sculpey in polystyrene
boxes, as it will melt the polystyrene. Similarly, don't place any raw
clay on varnished or lacquered wood surfaces, as the solvents in the clay
will damage the finish. Keep it away from most plastics too.
Conditioning or
Softening Your Clay
It's very important,
when using polymer clays, to "condition" them prior to sculpting. Conditioning
is simply kneading and working the clay with your hands for a period of
time. Conditioning your clay softens it and makes it stronger once it's
baked. The rule of thumb to use when conditioning is to knead the clay
for the length of time that it take two different colors of clay to become
completely incorporated into a single color. This is another reason to
mix colored Sculpey III with your Super Sculpey: you'll know your conditioning
is finished once the mixture combines into a single, homogenous color.
Sculpey comes out of the package in four slabs, so I cut the 3 ounce package
of Sculpey III into four equal parts and mix one slab of Sculpey with
one slab of Sculpey III. Simply knead the two clays together. Once the
clay is a uniform color, it's ready.
If your clay is stiff
and hard, conditioning it can be very hard on your fingers, so you can
remedy this and speed the conditioning process along by using an old pasta
machine. I actually bought a new pasta machine for this purpose, and it
paid for itself by reconditioning a bunch of older Sculpey that was too
hard to knead with my fingers (I was ready to throw it out). Once I reconditioned
the clay, it was as soft as the day it was manufactured, and I used it
in a number of sculptures. Sometimes you can't find soft Sculpey at the
store, so you have to buy the old, stiff clay, and reconditioning it with
a pasta machine will make it like new.
hand-cranked pasta machine
The key to this process
is a liquid known as Sculpey Dilutent. It's the clear liquid component
of Sculpey, and it's sold wherever Sculpey is sold in little one-ounce
bottles. You can use it to restore Sculpey to a softer, more pliable state.
dilutent, a great product for softening stiff Sculpey
To condition or recondition
your clay with a pasta machine, set the machine to its "thickest"
setting (leaving the widest gap possible between the metal rollers). Then
simply roll the clay through it once to flatten the clay out. If the clay
is really stiff, it will come out in ragged tatters--never fear, it will
get better. Add some drops of Sculpey dilutent to the clay strip, rub
it in with your fingers, and then fold the clay over and run it through
again to blend the liquid with the clay. You will need to refold the clay
and run it through a few more times to really soften it up.Continue to
roll the clay through, adding more drops of dilutent as needed to get
the clay to the desired softness. When the clay comes out of the machine
in a smooth, pliable ribbon, you've reached the right consistency.
Never use a pasta machine for making pasta (or any food items) again after
using it with polymer clays! This is why I suggest using an old pasta
machine. Caution: Polymer clay contains
chemicals which are harmful if ingested. Always wash your hands after
sculpting with polymer clay and if you use eating utensils for sculpting
tools, do not use them for eating again afterward. Do not leave polymer
clay where little children can get hold of it, and do not use baked polymer
clay items as food or tobacco containers.
Baking Polymer
There are a lot of
theories about baking Sculpey. Most sculptors have their own ideas. The
Sculpey package gives instructions for baking it in your home oven (never
use a microwave). According to the instructions, you bake a sculpture
at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes per each quarter inch of thickness.
To avoid scorching my sculptures, I prefer to bake a lower temperature
for a longer period of time. I bake a sculpture at about 200-225 degrees
for 20-30 minutes per quarter inch of thickness, then let the sculpture
cool in the oven and bake it a second time (same temperature and time).
This gives good results, but you might want to experiment to determine
your favored baking method. Don't bake polyclay at temperatures higher
than 275 degrees Fahrenheit, however. If it's turning black around the
edges, your temperature is too high. Baked Sculpey is still quite soft
while hot, so don't touch it until it's had a chance to cool off, or you
may cause cracking to occur.
If cracks do form
in your sculpture, they're usually easy to fix. Use gap-filling superglue
(cyanoacrylate) to fill smaller cracks. Wipe excess glue from the sculpture
with little "twists" of paper toweling. Larger cracks can be filled in
with two-part epoxy putty. It's a good idea to feed a little superglue
into large cracks before filling them with putty.
Painting Your Piece
You can paint your
sculpture with just about any hobby paints. Acrylic paints work really
well. I suggest priming it with light coats of lacquer-based automotive
primer prior to painting.